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Medical Transcriptions
  • Using the site
    • How do I log in?
      If you are not logged in, you may use the login name and password fields at the top of the screen.
      The login name is NOT the user name entered (if you have added a user), it is the account login selected when opening your account.
    • How do I add a new user?
      Log into your account (if you are the account administrator) and select the 'Users' button on the right side of the screen.
      Select the 'Add new user' link at the bottom of the list of users.
      Complete the necessary fields and hit the green 'ADD' button.
    • How many users can be on my account?
      After the 30 day trial period, your account will be billed for every user enabled for uploading via a mobile device.
      Transcriptionists may be added for no charge.
    • What do the different 'user types' mean?
      The 'Account Owner' user type is able to maintain every aspect of the account. They are also able to upload recordings from their mobile device.
      The 'Mobile device user' is able to upload recordings from their mobile device. A monthly charge will be incurred for each of these users.
      The 'Transcriptionist' is able to download recordings and upload completed transcriptions. No charge is incurred for transcriptionists.
    • What about HIPAA compliance?
      The responsibility for HIPAA compliance lies with the account owners.
      Mydictation provides a means of securely (using SSL) transmitting files to provide a HIPAA compliant transport mechanism.
      The Mydictation site is protected via user name and passwords, assigned and maintained by the individual account owners.
      Please refer to the Mydictation terms of use for a HIPAA required business associate agreement, or click here to read the agreement separate from the terms of use.
    • How do I receive technical support?
      If you find the need for technical support, please use the pertinent email address on the contact page.
      We do not currently offer telephone support for this product, we will respond to emails in a timely fashion.
    • I got a new phone, now it doesn't work. How do I fix this.
      Log into your account and select the 'reset device' link on the line respective to the person with the new phone. The next time they upload, the UDID for the new phone will be updated.
    • How do I find the UDID of my phone?
      Click here to go to Apple support. The answer is regarding iPad, iPhone is the same.
  • File Management
    • Do you limit how many files I may have at one time?
      Currently, MyDictation.com does not limit the number or total size of files uploaded and saved.
      We do reserve the right to modify this policy. If we change this policy, the account administrator(s) will be notified via email.
    • What types of files may be uploaded?
      Currently, transcriptionists may upload MS Word documents (DOC,DOCX), HTML documents (HTM,HTML), Adobe Acrobat documents (PDF), Text documents (TXT), and Archive documents (ZIP).
  • Billing
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