ZipChart EMR users can use all of the features of for FREE!
The first name as it appears on the credit card account used for your account.
The last name as it appears on the credit card account used for your account.
The billing address on the credit card used for your account.
The billing city on the credit card used for your account.
The billing state on the credit card used for your account.
The billing zip code on the credit card used for your account.
The email address where all correspondence from account. This will be verified for account activation.
Enter an account name (3 characters min, 50 characters max) for logging in to
This field is NOT case-sensitive and it should be easy to remember and type.
No special characters are allowed (a-z and 0-9 only), spaces are not allowed. Every user for your account will use this user name.
Password is required, no spaces or special characters allowed.
The password IS case-sensitive and must contain at least six characters.
Verify the password you entered above.
Password is required, no spaces or special characters allowed.
The password IS case-sensitive and must contain at least six characters.
Uncheck this box if you don't wish to receive correspondence from